An Interview With The Thrifty Surrealist Dave Pollot

Welcome to the wonderfully imaginative world of Dave Pollot, a painter unlike most. You see, Dave takes canvasses from thrift stores and infuses them with a light dose of popular culture. Ever wonder what The Star Ship Enterprise would look like … Continue reading An Interview With The Thrifty Surrealist Dave Pollot

TMYK: Birth of the Movie Theater



In 1901 Vaudeville actors went on strike and theaters were left looking for another source of entertainment to fill their halls. Short films, usually about a minute long had been shown at the end of the Vaudeville acts but proved to be an expensive investment because they had to be purchased from factories. The films were not changed very frequently due to this expense. In 1902 Henry Miles of San Francisco began renting films which became the basis of our current film industries film distribution methods.

Continue reading “TMYK: Birth of the Movie Theater”